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Weekend Edition: ‘Palestine’s’ PR Campaign for Genocide


tnp eagleIt has not just been happening in France and London. Anti-Israel protests have taken to the streets around the world…even in one particular place that should know better.

Much better.

Such protests have been held in Germany. GERMANY…the past home of NAZI GENOCIDE against the Jews.

Equally disturbing are the protests…pro Palestine…ANTI Israel…that are taking place across our own country from NY to California, from Florida to Washington State.

Are people really this stupid? Are there really people, around the world in places like Scotland, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and so many more that are as damn stupid as are the liberals in San Francisco, Chicago, NY City, Seattle and other cities?

The answer is yes. They’re out there and between the masses of them, one would be hard pressed to discover a single working brain cell.

Let me explain this as simply as I can…

By supporting ‘Palestine’ and condemning Israel…these marching morons are, IN FACT…supporting TERRORISTS.

In marching for ‘PALESTINE’ they may as well be marching to save the unicorn from extinction.

Here’s a hint for the brain dead…there is no such thing as a unicorn and…there has never, in the history of mankind, been a country of Palestine nor have there been, historically, any such people as the Palestinians.

If you are marching up and down the streets of cities around the world claiming that Israel has “OCCUPIED” Palestine…you are supporting a myth. Pure fiction. An imaginary people and an imaginary country.

You are idiots making fools of yourselves.

I’ll get back to the myth of Palestine after a bit but there are other FACTS that need to be entered into the record first…

Fact: Hamas is a terrorist organization that is allied with the Palestinian Authority.war 1

Fact: Article 7 of the Hamas charter calls for the murder of all Jews worldwide. That is genocide.

Fact: Article 15 of the Hamas charter calls for the complete destruction of Israel.

Fact: Hamas hides their weapons and bases of terror operation in schools, hospitals, shopping centers and neighborhoods.

Fact: Gaza was given to the ‘Palestinians’ BY Israel.

Fact: Hamas, with the backing of the Palestinian Authority has launched more than 1700 rockets at Israeli cities and civilians FROM Gaza.

Fact: Israel has accepted two cease fire deals in the last 18 days only to see Hamas violate them both.

Fact: Israel has never “OCCUPIED” ‘Palestine as there has never been a ‘Palestine’ to occupy.

In a nutshell those are the facts. Plain and simple…Israel did not start this war as Israel HAS shown undue restraint in dealing with Hamas and the Palestinian Authority for YEARS but, enough has become enough and Israel, as a nation, has EVERY right to defend herself and her people from terrorists.

Let me now get back to that myth of Palestine.

WAR 2To understand what COULD happen, one must look into the historical records of Israel and to do that, let’s examine the Sinai Peninsula as our example.

The Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip were under the control of Egypt and, in early May, 1967, Egypt was amassing their military in the Peninsula for an attack against Israel. Israel took Egypt by surprise with a preemptive attack on May 16th and at the same time, attacked Egypt’s allies…Jordan and Syria in what we now know as the 6 Day War.

Israel prevailed, convincing Jordan not to attack and by the end of that 6 Day War…Israel had taken the entire Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip from Egypt.

More wars followed such as the War of Attrition in 1970 and Operation Badr and the Yom Kippur War ALL launched by Egypt against Israel…all won by Israel and the latter resulting in the Sinai Disengagement Agreements with Israel agreeing to withdraw from their control of the Suez Canal in return for Egypt’s agreement to allow Israeli shipping to resume THROUGH the canal…something which Egypt had steadfastly prohibited when THEY controlled it.

Finally, in 1979, Egypt and Israel signed a peace accord resulting in Israel, over a three year period, dismantling Israeli settlements and giving the Sinai Peninsula, lock, stock and billions of barrels of oil back to Egypt and in return, all Egypt had to give up…was their proclivity to declare war against Israel.

Peace…peace between two eons old enemies because Israel never wanted anything else BUT peace and they were amenable to giving up land…rich land for it.

Those marching in favor of “Palestine’ need to get past their anti-Semitic hatred and see the light.prot 1

Israel has for years been amenable to a Two State solution…giving the people of Gaza their own Country…a real Palestine rather than a mythical ‘Palestine’ in return for something as simple as…peace…but Hamas and the Palestinian Authority simply won’t hear of it.

Hamas and the Palestinian Authority have steadfastly REFUSED to remove genocide against the Jews and the utter destruction of Israel from their charter and why? Because centuries ago, it was written in their Koran and those with a 7th century mentality can’t live in a peaceful 21st century world.

Fact: Israel never wanted this or any other war.

Fact: Israel is not choosing their targets in this war because civilians live there…they are making their choices of targets based solely on where Hamas is keeping their command and control bases of operations and their weapons.

Fact: In a two state solution, Israel would allow the occupation OF a portion OF Israel BY a new nation state OF Palestine.

Fact: Israel has never been about expansionism or world domination.

Fact: Hamas and their Islamic allies always have been.

In a vile attempt at assisting ‘Palestine’s’ public relations campaign to make genocide palatable, the Obama regime sent JoWAR 5hn Kerry to Egypt to ‘negotiate’ a seven day cease fire between Israel and Hamas and it failed Friday when Israel’s defense council unanimously voted against it before agreeing to yet another 12 hour cease fire for humanitarian reasons.  Hamas had already violated two such cease fire agreements in the last 19 days and Israel knows full well that searching the rubble and removing the dead are the least of the priorities for Hamas. Rearming and moving their weapons however, are at the top of their priorities.

No great shock here…Hamas  violated yesterday’s extension of the 12 hour cease fire just as they have twice before in the last 19 days.

And finally, to those marching through the streets of the world and our own cities…what in the hell are you thinking?

Fact: The very people you support with your marches want you just as dead as they want the Jews.

Fact: The very people you support are barbarians…terrorists and Hamas, just like al Qaeda…was founded by a ‘Palestinian.’

Fact: By standing with these barbarians, you are standing with history’s MOST reviled genocidal maniacs.

Fact: By supporting the Islamic barbarians, you are supporting a global war on women, a global war on education, a global war on freedom and a global war on human rights.WAR 4

Fact: By taking a stand against Israel, you are taking a stand against the last hope for peace in that region of the world.

And for what reason? Because of some long held yet historically false belief that the Jews were responsible for a biblical event some two millennia ago? Because of conspiracy theories charging the Jews being the “masterminds” and “overlords” of the world’s monies?

Unfortunately, many around the world and around our own country choose to cloak their anti-Semitism in such nonsense but the root of it, the REAL root of it is found in ignorance.

In our country, that ignorance is coupled with liberalism being driven by the need to prove tolerance and political correctness by attaching their world view to that of the United Nations…a view that “fairness and equality” takes precedence over what is right VS what is wrong.

It’s not FAIR nor EQUAL in a war that one side be stronger, more adept and more organized than the other according to the U.N. concept. In this case, Israel, because THEY are the better, stronger and more adept in this war…must be in the wrong even though Hamas, the aggressor, is intentionally using their own people as fodder for the international media.

Those who march and protest against Israel, just as they stand with the terrorist organizations of the world, also stand with the United Ncraig 1ations…the same organization of thugs, thieves and despots who routinely place the ilk of Iran and Saudi Arabia in positions of “authority” on their Human Rights Council and therefore, hold absolutely NO moral high ground whatsoever except on a world where absolute vile and egregious wrongs are deemed to be right.

 Those people are on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of the future as well.

Fact: I…will stand with Israel.

Craig Andresen

The National Patriot

Weekend Edition 7/27/2014

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